Wow Your Future Employer With A Digital CV – How To Stand Out From The Crowd

Wow Your Future Employer With A Digital CV – How To Stand Out From The Crowd

We get it. Finding a job in today’s economy can be a challenge. Even the best qualified candidates can be overlooked in the recruitment process, despite having all the necessary skills and qualifications. So how do you, as a job-seeker, differentiate yourself from other candidates? How do you stand out? The solution is to put together a CV (resume) that they can’t ignore!

Digital CVs are a creative way to provide details on your skills, education, and experience to catch a prospective employer’s attention. To land more interviews and get better job offers, you should give your CV more attention and make sure it showcases the most important information first.

So just what is a digital CV and how is it going to help you land that dream job? Read on to find out more.

What is a Digital CV?

Usually compiled into a short video, a digital CV, in short, is a standard resume in digital format that highlights the most important information first. Digital CVs are created to capture your future employer’s attention and to show that you’re willing to go the extra mile to stand ahead of other candidates. Particularly if you’re in a creative field, a digital CV shows that you have a basic understanding of design elements, can package information in a clear, enticing, visually striking manner, and have the necessary skills to use digital platforms.

Why do I need a Digital CV?

Recently Essential Millennial teamed up with Johannesburg-based Eloquent Consulting to bring to life an idea we’ve been mulling over for some time.

Did you know that multiple studies show that recruiters spend an average of just 6-8 seconds on reviewing a single CV? And if recruiters receive a high volume of applications, they’re inclined to spend even less time reviewing one. But, in rare instances, recruiters can spend five, 10, or even 20 minutes looking at a well-formatted CV. With just 11% of applicants considered suitable for the jobs they apply for, you need to make sure that they can see you mean business.

The same studies show that recruiters scan for job titles and subheadings, and that the best CVs had simple, clear formats. The reality is that recruiters are busy people working to meet tight deadlines and you need to adapt your CV accordingly. This means you need a simple clear format and layout that’s easy to read. Make your headings big and bold so that recruiters can navigate the page quickly during that initial skim-read.

And once you make it past the shortlisting phase, then your CV will be studied at length, so you can’t skip the details and just focus on grabbing the recruiter’s attention without showcasing all of your best attributes.

We are living in the digital age, so why are we sticking to outdated sheets of paper and cover letters? After all, the majority of recruiters are receiving CVs via digital platforms already. When time is limited and recruiters have short attention spans, you need something that will captivate them right away.

How should a Digital CV be formatted?

Well, that depends on your budget. You can create one with plain text and simple animations, you can create an infographic CV that’s a bit more attention grabbing, or you can go for a full-on one-minute video CV with complex animations. But remember, this video needs to impress them right away, which means you need to use a colour scheme that will stand out to industry professionals. You need to present the most important information first and you need to make it easy to read.

There are many secrets to the trade that the team at Eloquent Consulting Solutions bring to the table. With years of industry experience and thousands of satisfied clients, they bridge the gap between good and outstanding CVs, according to thorough market research, surveying both job-seekers and recruiters.

Our digital CVs make sure that you showcase everything you have to offer in the simplest way possible, drawing recruiters’ attention to the most critical part of your unique skill set.

Get your custom Digital CV today!

Convinced yet? If you think a digital CV can help you on your search for a job, our team is right here for you. Contact the Eloquent Consulting Services team at [email protected] for a quote.

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