EM Tutorials: Digital Marketing For TikTok

EM Tutorials: Digital Marketing For TikTok

TikTok has emerged as the leading social media platform for brands to reach large audiences, particularly those targeting younger demographics. So, if you’re looking to jump on the TikTok bandwagon and take advantage to this popular, unique platform to boost your brand, we’ve put together a simple guide to the platform to help you get started.

TikTok is a very popular platform used by young adults that provides an incredible amount of potential for you to expand the organic reach of your digital marketing strategy. You can promote your products and services through short, engaging videos that can be incredibly effective for attracting younger customers.

But before you can start creating engaging content that promotes your brand and increases your sales, you need to know a little bit more about TikTok and why it’s an effective digital marketing tool.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media app that is particularly popular with teenagers and young adults. It is a platform where users can share short videos of themselves with others on the app.

Why use TikTok for marketing?

There are a number of reasons why marketers should consider using TikTok for their marketing campaigns. Firstly, the app has a large user base. There are one billion active users on the platform (surpassed only by Instagram with 1.4 billion) Secondly, and more importantly, users are engaged and active on the app. TikTok receives the highest engagement rates when compared to Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts and TikTok videos receive twice as many comments as their competitors on other platforms. This is because the app is perfect for creating short, engaging videos. TikTok users feel that the content on the app is “unique” and “different” when it comes to advertising.

How can you use TikTok for marketing?

There are a number of ways that you can use TikTok for marketing. You can create short videos that promote your product or service. You can also run contests or giveaways on the app. Additionally, you can use TikTok to create marketing campaigns that target teenagers and young adults.

What are the benefits of using TikTok for marketing?

The benefits of using TikTok for marketing include a large user base, engaged users, and the ability to create short, engaging videos. Additionally, the app is perfect for targeting teenagers and young adults.

How can you get started using TikTok for marketing?

To get started using TikTok for marketing, you first need to create a profile for your business. Next, you need to create videos that promote your product or service. Finally, you need to share your videos on the app and promote them on other social media platforms.

How to Create Engaging Content for TikTok

Creating engaging content is key to having a successful TikTok account. Creating content that is eye-catching, funny, and informative will make people stay on your account for longer periods of time. Use catchy music, clever visuals, and entertaining stories to keep viewers tuned into your content. Utilise hashtags and captions to get extra traction on your content.

Staying on top of the latest trends is a great way to get more visibility on TikTok. Utilise popular hashtags, music, and videos to ensure that your account stands out. The key is to keep your content fresh and exciting.

Interact With Other Accounts

Engaging with other accounts on TikTok is a great way to increase engagement on your account. You can comment on other people’s posts, like their content, or even engage in a conversation with them. This will help create relationships with other users which will help promote your content.

Invest in Paid Ads

Paid ads are a great way to get more views and followers on TikTok. Utilising TikTok’s advertising tools, you can target users who have shown an interest in your content. This will help you get more likes and followers, and increase engagement on your account.

Measure Your Content’s Performance

 It is important to understand your content’s performance. Utilise TikTok’s in-app analytics to monitor how many views, likes, comments, and shares your content is getting. Understanding what content is performing well and which isn’t can help you tweak your content to maximise engagement.


TikTok is one of the best social media platforms for you to use in your digital marketing strategy and gives you an opportunity to present unique, engaging content, to younger audiences that are more inclined to engage with your content. This is why we recommend putting a lot of time and energy into your TikTok digital marketing strategy, especially if you want to sell your products and services to young people.

If you’re looking for help with your small business’ TikTok digital marketing strategy, get in touch with the Essential Millennial team HERE and let’s work together to expand your reach on this promising platform.

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